Question by Fredrica T: What is the best way to remove someone’s name from a mortgage loan if they are the co borrower w/o refinancing?
My mother is the borrower and I am the co borrower. She has always made payments on the loan. It was better for the both of us to qualify. I am ready to move out and want to remove my name so that I can get something. I really dont her (my mother) to go through the process of refinancing the way things are now
Best answer:
Answer by Becky D
what are you talking about right now is the best time for refinancing. But anyway……go to the bank where the loan is held and make that request, if she qualifies to hold the mortgage only in her name they will remove your name.
edit: YES there is a way to remove a name from the loan, I am a loan officer and have helped people thru the process. Maybe not all institutions allow that but the one I work for does.
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