Question by celery1399: How to remove a co-borrower from title and mortgage of home?
I purchased a house with a friend almost 4 years ago. She is now getting married, and we need to remove her name from the title and the mortgage. I know we will need to complete a quit claim to remove it from the title – do we need an attorney to do this, or can we just fill out the form and have it notarized and file it with the county?
Other than that, I’m assuming I just have to refinance and qualify for the mortgage on my own. Has anyone done this? Have any tips?
Best answer:
Answer by godged
You have to refinance to remove her from the mortgage.
Talk to a title company in your area for the best way to convey title. Quit claim deeds offer no warranty, and are not an advisable means to do this. A title company will charge you much less than any attorney.
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