by USDAgov
Question by jinxies: Will a bank call a cell phone to verify employment and wages?
We are trying to refinance our home to consolidate and we have a high debt to income ratio. We can’t find a bank willing to lend to get some relief from our outrageous mortgage payments. We’ve tried 3 different brokers and have come up with nothing. Our new broker is only “stating” income and needs the bank to call someone within my husbands company and give information that he is making more than we state and has a better job title. Most banks won’t call a cell phone to verify, so I’m told, but the phones are in the company name and not any one person. The bank wouldn’t know who they were speaking with, right? This sounds terrible but we are at a loss for what else to do.
Best answer:
Answer by redvelvetflames4ever
I spoke to my best friend who works at Washington Mutual bank. She stated banks do not call cell phones to verify employment and income, and they also send a form to the company for them to sign and verify this information again.
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