Question by : Which candidate would have insured the refinancing of mortgages instead of just giving money to JP Morgan.?
I am of course talking about how the government guaranteed the worthless mortgage backed securities of Bear Stearns so that JP morgan would buy them out, instead of guaranteeing the refinancing of the mortgages. That would reduce the interest rate of the refinances so that Bear Stearns’ mortgage backed securities would have value. Same effect, and maybe we would not have to give all of the money away to Bear Stearns. A lot of those people would keep their homes and pay back the mortgage.
I am not talking about refinancing people that cannot afford it, just those that could afford it.
Best answer:
Answer by kimberswell
Hillary. She really cares about this issue
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6 Responses to Which candidate would have insured the refinancing of mortgages instead of just giving money to JP Morgan.?