An Agreement Enforceable by Law Is a Mcq

An agreement enforceable by law is a MCQ – What it means?

An agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a transaction or relationship. It is a mutual understanding between two or more parties who agree to certain terms or conditions to ensure that no one violates the agreement.

In this context, MCQ stands for “Multiple Choice Question.” Therefore, when we say, “An agreement enforceable by law is a MCQ,” we mean that this statement is a multiple-choice question. It prompts us to choose from different possible explanations or interpretations.

When we say that an agreement is enforceable by law, it means that it is legally binding. In other words, if someone breaches the agreement, the other party can take legal action to enforce it and seek compensation for any damages.

An agreement that is not enforceable by law is merely a verbal or written understanding between parties who do not have legal recourse should either party violate it. Since it is not legally binding, the parties cannot take legal action against each other.

Overall, understanding the concept of enforceable agreements is essential in the business world. It protects both parties and ensures that each party honors their obligations and responsibilities.


In conclusion, an agreement enforceable by law is a MCQ, asking us to choose from multiple possible explanations. However, when we examine the statement, we realize that it means the agreement is legally binding, and both parties have legal recourse should someone violate it. Therefore, it is crucial to understand and create enforceable agreements to ensure that both parties are protected in any transaction or relationship.

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