Q&A: What’s the difference between a loan modification and normal refinancing?

Question by Where’s my scooby snack?: What’s the difference between a loan modification and normal refinancing?
They sound the same to me. I’m just a little confused. There’s also a second mortgage and short refinance.

Can someone please verify these definitions for me and please advise as to which one would be better?

Best answer:

Answer by sfmca5
It is easy to explain the definitions of the terms; but, to advise you on which one is best for you would take some financial anaylsis.

Loan Modification and Refinancing can sound the same but they are a little different.

Loan Modification: A simple modification to the terms of your original loan or note between you and your current mortgage holder. Example: Modification in interest rate to help you save your home from going into foreclosure.

Refinancing: Remortgaging your loan balance to an entire new loan with your current mortgage holder or a totally different one. Example: Refinancing from a 30 year mortgage to a 15 or refinancing fron an adjustable rate mortgage to a fixed rate.

Second Mortgage: Just that, it is a second position mortgage on your home in addition to the primary or first mortgage.

Short Refinance: Never heard of it.

As I mentioned to advise you on which would be better is impossible without knowing more about your financial situation. I suggest you meet with a loan officer at your bank or credit union and ask them to advise you based upon your current financila situation.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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