Tag Archives: Obtain

If you obtain an interest-only mortgage, can you refinance to a traditional mortgage later?

Question by Amanda: If you obtain an interest-only mortgage, can you refinance to a traditional mortgage later? Right now I am staying home with the kids but I plan on going back to work when they begin school in four … Continue reading

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If you obtain an interest-only mortgage, can you refinance to a traditional mortgage later?

Question by Amanda: If you obtain an interest-only mortgage, can you refinance to a traditional mortgage later? Right now I am staying home with the kids but I plan on going back to work when they begin school in four … Continue reading

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does anyone know where you can obtain a Home Mortgage refinance while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

by woodleywonderworks Question by Dawn P: does anyone know where you can obtain a Home Mortgage refinance while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? looking to refinance my mortgage I am currently in a chapter 13 bankruptcy have been paying my … Continue reading

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Refinance Mortgage Loans- How to Obtain the Greatest Rate

Refinance Mortgage Loans- How to Obtain the Greatest Rate Article by John Zimbro Want to have a better lifestyle? Too much money going into monthly mortgage payments? Refinancing mortgage loans are … Continue reading

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