Tag Archives: months

If someone refinanced their home a few months ago, but lost there job later and can’t afford the home?

by Superrad_ Question by curious: If someone refinanced their home a few months ago, but lost there job later and can’t afford the home? On a 1st Mortgage, what does the bank do, if someone refinanced their home afew months … Continue reading

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Q&A: Would it hurt your credit history if you refinance today and 6 months later apply for a new home loan?

by truliavisuals Question by qaboutcomp: Would it hurt your credit history if you refinance today and 6 months later apply for a new home loan? I am planning to buy a house in 6 months but want to refinance my … Continue reading

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Refinancing 6 months old FHA mortgage?

by woodleywonderworks Question by Scott: Refinancing 6 months old FHA mortgage? I bought a house 6 months ago and got 6% interest rate on 30 yr FHA. Watching the rates go down made me wonder if I can refinance. Since … Continue reading

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I’m looking to refinance my mortgage, I have 96 months left to pay on my existing one and i have a home equity

Question by debra x: I’m looking to refinance my mortgage, I have 96 months left to pay on my existing one and i have a home equity line of credit.Im wondering if I should just refinance the mortgage only? the … Continue reading

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I am 3 months behind on my mortgage & they are trying to foreclose, would refinancing help me?

by woodleywonderworks Question by Shannon K: I am 3 months behind on my mortgage & they are trying to foreclose, would refinancing help me? I really dont want to loose my home Best answer: Answer by katherine nif you are … Continue reading

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My 5/1 arm will reset in 18 months, should I refinance home mortgage now, or wait for few more months?

by stirwise Question by deedee: My 5/1 arm will reset in 18 months, should I refinance home mortgage now, or wait for few more months? Current rate of ARM interest is 5.125%. Would it better to go for 6.75% mortgage … Continue reading

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Refinancing if your late 3 months on your 2nd mortgage?

Question by ChgoLake: Refinancing if your late 3 months on your 2nd mortgage? Hello, Are there any mortgage companies that will do a refi if your late 3 months on your 2nd mortgage? Thank you for your time. Best answer: … Continue reading

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what law says a mortgage must be 6 months old before refinancing?

by woodleywonderworks Question by onebyone: what law says a mortgage must be 6 months old before refinancing? I was told that a mortgage must be 6 months old before you can refinance it. Is it true? What law (or statute … Continue reading

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Q&A: Can you add a spouse to the mortgage within months of refinancing under one name?

by ILPeoplesAction Question by KTL: Can you add a spouse to the mortgage within months of refinancing under one name? My fiance recently refinanced the house we have been living in for 3 years. He bought it right before we … Continue reading

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