Tag Archives: this

I own a house with my brother, I would like to buy him out and cash in the equity. How can this done?

by Mr. T in DC Question by Mr Yankee: I own a house with my brother, I would like to buy him out and cash in the equity. How can this done? Do I refinance? A new mortgage? How do … Continue reading

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my ex wife is trying to sue me for 2nd mortgage that she refinance on her own will. Am I liable for this?

by stirwise Question by syber_wolf_02: my ex wife is trying to sue me for 2nd mortgage that she refinance on her own will. Am I liable for this? She got house in divorce. The agreement is states in one place … Continue reading

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I want to put an addition on my house and roll the cost into my mortgage. Is this possible?

by Strangeless Question by luffjm34: I want to put an addition on my house and roll the cost into my mortgage. Is this possible? We have essentially no equity–been here three years and the amount left on the mortgage is … Continue reading

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Q&A: I have been paying down my mortgage aggressively. I want the freedom to own my home. Thoughts on this -?

by Mr. T in DC Question by PB: I have been paying down my mortgage aggressively. I want the freedom to own my home. Thoughts on this -? I am 42 and my husband is 46. We do not “sacrifice” … Continue reading

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Q&A: refinanced and put paid 3100 upfront mortgage insurance in the loan. Can i recover this after paying 20%?

Question by Jay S: refinanced and put paid 3100 upfront mortgage insurance in the loan. Can i recover this after paying 20%? I’m refinancing and i recovered 65% of upfront mortgage insurance from original loan, but now must pay it … Continue reading

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Refinance: mortgage is 280K property value is only 230K. Do you know anyone who can refinance this?

Question by i w: Refinance: mortgage is 280K property value is only 230K. Do you know anyone who can refinance this? The mortgage resets in another 2 months and the payment will go up about $ 500. Is their any … Continue reading

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Could someone in this scenerio qualify for a mortgage refinance?

Question by caligrl: Could someone in this scenerio qualify for a mortgage refinance? The guidelines have gotten tough, but what about the following: 700 credit self employed income filed makes debt to income ratio high since we can’t do stated … Continue reading

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What is this extra money on my refinancing application?

by woodleywonderworks Question by lana7180: What is this extra money on my refinancing application? I am refinancing my mortgage and there is a line that says refinance which is my loan amount, plus about $ 860. Then the next line … Continue reading

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if i take out a home equity loan now will this loan affect me if i want to refinance my mortgage.?

by Jim Carson Question by michael o: if i take out a home equity loan now will this loan affect me if i want to refinance my mortgage.? I have 24 years left on 30 year mortgage. I am thinking … Continue reading

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I’m refinancing my mortgage, would like to remove my bro’s name from title . Is this a taxable event for him?

Question by Teresa: I’m refinancing my mortgage, would like to remove my bro’s name from title . Is this a taxable event for him? Best answer: Answer by REDShould not cost him any taxes. However, when you sell he will … Continue reading

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